Thursday 23 January 2014

My English Language Learning Journey

My English Language Learning Journey

Learning a language is undeniably one of the first lesson of our life. For Coming from a mandarin-speaking family, I was introduced to English since a young age. Learning English at lower level was fun and easy thus everyone could pick up the language easily. However, as I advanced through the academic levels, English was becoming more than just a communication tool. It became harder to grasp as an examinable subject. Though I am not particularly fond of English, I have always tried my best to achieve my best results for any English examination. During my O-level examinations preparation, I realised that the study routine set by the teacher would not be sufficient in preparing me for the exam. Hence, I thought about how my friends and I could form a study group where we would research on possible oral topics and thereafter, test one another in preparation for a real oral examination. I was glad that I took the initiative to form a study group back then as it really helped all of us. I realised English language could be enjoyable in group work especially when we share and learn new things from one another. Hopefully Es1102 will allow everyone to learn more through interactions.


  1. Hi Jocelyn,

    Appreciate your having commented on my blog and your offer to help me understand chinese dialects! I find that reading the blogs of others allows me to gain insights on life, sometimes enabling me to understand their viewpoints and behavior. I would like to make some suggestions, which I hope will be error-free=)

    I think
    "Learning a language is undeniably one of the first lesson of our life. For Coming from a mandarin-speaking family, I was introduced to English since a young age." could be

    "Learning a language is undeniably one of the first lessons of our lives. Coming from a Mandarin-speaking family, I was introduced to English at a young age." and

    "During my O-level examinations preparation" could be " During my O-level examination preparation"

    Sorry for any mistakes made! I really hope that we can overcome our weaknesses in English together!

  2. Hi Jocelyn, I completely agree on how languages are fun until you get to the examinations. I may be wrong, but I think 'During my O-level examinations preparation' should be 'During my preparations for the O-level examinations'. I like how your post has a flow from intro to problem, solution and conclusion.


  3. Hi Jocelyn!
    You have provided a highly relevant recount on your English learning experience that highlights the main stages that you went through while learning english. It is great that you are able to understand and realize that in-class time allocated is not enough for you to grasp English and thus starting to form study group outside timetable. This showed the critical reflection you have effectively done at that point of time. Your recount also flows fluently, great job! :)

  4. Thanks for the clear, concise reflective post, Jocelyn. I like the way you focus on the value of group work in helping you develop your language skills (even the examinable ones).

    I look forward to reading more from you this term!
